Tracy Marshall

Tracy Marshall is an Assurance Partner with EY and brings over 16 years of experience serving clients in the retail, distribution, manufacturing and hotel sectors in Barbados and the OECS. She holds a BSc. degree in Accounting from the University of the West Indies and is a Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (FCCA).
A Certified Learning Leader with the EY Caribbean practice, she utilizes her leadership and coaching skills to serve as a counselor and mentor for over 20 employees. Tracy, a practicing member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Barbados since 2016 also serves as a Committee Member of the Accounting and Auditing Standards Committee. She also previously served as a member of the Nominations Committee of ICAB and is currently the Employer Advocate for the recently created Local Chapter of ACCA.
As it relates to her professional philosophy, she believes and practices the words of Maya Angelou, “Nothing will work unless you do!”
She currently serves as the chair of the EY Insider Newsletter Committee, a monthly internal publication showcasing news and focus stories impacting the practice and is also a Trustee of the EY Management Ltd. Pension Plan. Tracy finds balance for all her commitments via her love for yoga and fitness in which she engages at least 3-4 times per week.
Wednesday 9th Nov