Sandiford Edwards
Mr. Sandiford Edwards is a Grenadian and holds:
A Master of Arts Degree in Development Finance with specialization in finance structuring, Agriculture & SME finance and Climate & Renewable Energy Finance for Small Island Developing States from the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, Frankfurt, Germany;
A Master of Business Administration from Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom;
Certification from the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, United Kingdom;
Certified Marketing Consultant; and,
Professional Certification from the University of Cambridge in Disaster Risk Financing.
Mr. Edwards has also held Board of Directorship for several institutions including
The West Indies Rum and Spirit Producers Association – Barbados;
President of the Grenada Chamber of Industry and Commerce;
Chairman of the Grenada Planning and Development Authority;
Deputy Chairman of the Grenada Citizen by Investment Committee.
He was also a Council Member on the Global Environment Facility representing the Caribbean and has been Grenada focal point for many institutions such as World Bank, Caribbean Development Bank, Eastern Caribbean Central Bank, SAMOA Pathway and SIDS Forum, Green Climate Fund and United Nations Organisations.
Mr. Edwards has over fifteen years’ experience working in the Region with emphasis on structuring investments for the development of Regional Agriculture engaging both public officials and private sector leaders.
He was instrumental in the development of:
- St. Vincent and the Grenadines Stabilisation Fund (2021)
- CARICOM Private Sector Organisation – Twenty-five % BY 2025: Reducing CARICOM’s Agri-Food Imports: Opportunities for CPSO Participation (2020)
- Concept Note development for an Eastern Caribbean Trade Corridor (2020)
- Monitoring and Evaluation Tool for the CARICOM Food and Nutrition Security Action Plan (2020)
- CSME Coconut Industry Business Plan – Guyana (2019)
- Grenada Fresh Produce Production and Market Analysis, ACP-EU (2017)
- Linking the Tourism Industry to the Grenada School Feeding Program (2017)
- Grenada Soursop Industry Value Chain Analysis and Industry Development Plan (2016)
He has work with the Ministry of Economic Development Grenada and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
At present, Mr. Edwards is a consultant with the CARICOM Private Sector Organization.
Thursday 27 Nov