The 7th Annual Students’ Conference has been organised by ICAB’s Education & Students Services Committee.  This year’s conference is geared toward fifth and sixth form students across the island’s secondary schools as well as tertiary level students and students pursuing their accounting designation. The agenda has been tailored to provide students and young professionals with the tools to enhance their personal growth and development and to ensure they make appropriate choices.


6:00 p.m.
Opening Remarks

Opening Remarks

Tracy Marshall

6:03 p.m.
Sponsor's Remarks

Sponsor's Remarks

Anouska Sammy, ACCA

6:07 p.m.
Sponsor's Remarks

Sponsor's Remarks

Alan Roach, The Student Revolving Loan Fund

6:10 p.m.
Securing Financial Freedom

Securing Financial Freedom

Melinda Peter

7:00 p.m.


7:15 p.m.
Career Planning

Career Planning

Paul Ashby

8:15 p.m.

Closing Remarks
