Tamaisha Eytle
For over a decade, Tamaisha Eytle has been the catalyst for development within the Caribbean, Canada and India. This mover and shaker is the epitome of Caribbean Citizen, having been born in Guyana, raised in Jamaica and she currently resides in Barbados with her husband, tiny human and dog. A graduate of the Mahindra United World College of India, York University and UWI Cavehill, this multipotentialite has been successful in managing global and regional programmes and funds. Most recently, as the Director of FutureBARBADOS, the Caribbean’s first premiere innovation think tank and incubator hybrid, Tamaisha designed its framework and led implementation, by leveraging the synergy of partners, people and passion/values for true national sustainable transformation.
Tamaisha's expanse of experience includes serving in an executive capacity at the United Nations Development Programme and the Inter American Institute for Cooperation in Agriculture as well as the Executive Director of the Barbados Environmental Conservation Trust, Barbados' largest non-governmental environmental fundraiser. She has successfully amassed a wealth of expertise in corporate engagement and multi-sectoral partnerships.
With a diversity of skills in communications, logistics, resource mobilization and project management, Tamaisha has championed innovation in a myriad of areas spanning immigration policy, to civic tech and corporate governance with several notable global organizations.
Tuesday 8th Nov