Lt. Col. (Retd) Trevor Browne
Lt Col Trevor Browne is a retired professional electrical engineer with nearly 40 years in the electric utility. In the co-operative movement he was the founding president of Reddy Kilowatt Co-op, Light & Power Employees Credit Union, and Co-operators General Insurance Co Ltd. He also served as president of the League.
Browne was a senior officer of the Barbados Defence
Force - retiring at the rank of Lt Col. He also served as Commandant of the Barbados Cadet Corps from 2004
to 2014.
In sport he was president of the Barbados Table Tennis
Association, the Caribbean Table Tennis Federation
and the Barbados Orienteering Federation. Vice
president of the Latin American Table Tennis Union,
and director of the Barbados Olympic Association from
2004 to 2016.
Browne also holds a masters degree in management
from the University of Lyon, France.
He has been awarded the Barbados Silver Crown of
Merit (SCM) and the Caribbean Cadet Medal (CCM)
for his work with Caribbean youth.
Lt Col Browne is currently president of the Barbados
Association of Professional Engineers, Chairman of the
Council of Caribbean Engineering Organisations,
deputy chairman of the Board of the Barbados
National Standards Institute and president of the
Barbados Orienteering Federation.
Thursday 27 Nov